Scene 1, at WKNG radio 6AM January 2nd 2006

Scene 1, Flynn's office at Kolkee #1 Mine, 6:15AM January 2nd 2006

Scene 1, Master Control at EFN TV News, 6AM January 2nd 2006

Scene 1.2 back at WKNG radio, an hour or so later

Scene 2, Master Control, at EFN TV News, over an hour later

Scene 2, The Miners

Scene 3, Flynn's office at Kolkee #1 Mine, 7AM

Scene 3.1 In the crossroads between the Kolkee #1 Mine and the Kolkee baptist Chruch

Scene 3.2 Inside the Kolkee Baptist Church

Scene 3 Outside, in the crossroads between the Kolkee #1 Mine and the Kolkee baptist Chruch

Scene 4, Jeff, Outside, in the crossroads between the Kolkee #1 Mine and the Kolkee baptist Chruch

Scene 4, Flynn's office, Kolkee #1 Mine

Scene 4, inside the old coal office, setting up for the first press conference

Scene 5, The first press conference, in the old coal office

Scene 6, After the Press Conference, in the crossroad of Kolkee

Scene 6, Flynn's office after the Press Conference, MSHA arrives

Scene 7, a TV satellite truck in the crossroads of Kolkee

Scene 7, Inside Kolkee Baptist Church, 1PM after the press conference

Scene 7, In the crossroads of Kolkee

Scene 8, The Media Circus

Scene 8.1, The community members attend the Media Circus  

Scene 8, In Flynn's office, now MSHA's rescue operation headquarters

Scene 9, Inside Kolkee Baptist Chruch, First Left Crew has just arrived after getting out of the mine after the explosion

Scene 10, Flynn's office, K-Order still in effect, no-one has been underground since the explosion, except Gary, who is still there

Scene 10, In the cross roads of Kolkee

Scene 11, Master Control EFN news / In the cross roads of Kolkee

Scene 11, Inside Kolkee Baptist Chruch, Gary arrives with Roger Elden, first death announced

Scene 12, After the 2nd press conference

Scene 12, Flynn's office, almost midnight 

Scene 12, Inside Kolkee Baptist Church, almost midnight

Scene 13, Outside Kolkee Baptist Church

Scene 14, Flynn's Office 

Scene 14, Outside Kolkee Baptist Church

Scene 15, In the cross roads with the Firefighters, watching the road 

Scene 15, Flynn's office, 2:30AM

Scene 16, In the cross roads of Kolkee

Scene 17, Community thoughts

Scene 18, Outside the Kolkee Baptist Chruch, January 4th, 2006, almost 3AM

Scene 18, Master Control, EFN News

Scene 19, Outside Kolkee Baptist Chruch

Scene 19, Flynn's Office